Our Access Hub is a community space for individuals seeking to connect with health, housing and support services.
Our services operate 7 days a week, providing access to ID and income supports, accessing and maintaining housing, rapid access to offsite detox and treatment, vocational training and employment opportunities, and health education groups and supports. There is space for 25 mats for individuals who are accessing our support services to rest for the night while awaiting housing and supports at other locations.
Our Access Hub is staffed 24hrs a day. Additionally, our street ambassador will be out front daily to make sure individuals are accessing our indoor services or are assisted by our outreach teams in moving on to their referral or destination, including transportation to shelter as necessary.
If you see someone on the street near our site who requires assistance accessing services, please call:
SOLID Ambassador Dispatch, 236-464-8865
Reach out to us anytime if you’d like to learn more about this new service
Mark Willson (mark@solidvictoria.org)
Jack Phillips (jack@solidvictoria.org)